Infants ~ Itty Bitty Room

Below is some information for parents of infants to understand our approach to the smallest of our students!


Our Infant classroom is spacious and calming. Each baby has their own diaper bag cubby, designated storage for bottles/baby formula, and their own crib.


All our age appropriate toys, high chairs, and cribs are sanitized daily. We wear slippers in this room.

Daily Routine

Each baby dictates their own schedule to reflect their individual needs for feeding time.

Play Time

Playtime includes tummy time, musical instruments, mirrors, sensory exploration - stimulation to help our infants develop emotionally, physically and intellectually.

We do not use walkers or jumperoos - we let all lay on the floor and allow them movement. We do have a swing and bouncer for very small infants.

We don't want babies to have “baby syndrome” where they stay in one spot. We believe the floor is best for babies to more freshly strengthen their muscles and movements like rolling, reaching out, lifting head, etc. Tummy time is best. Teachers sit / lay on the floor with them encouraging, talking, showing toys, etc.

Philosophy ~ The Importance of Floor and Tummy Time

Put my baby on the floor? Yes!

Actually, putting baby on the floor and getting down to baby's level for undistracted play time can:

  1. Increase your baby's physical activity.
  2. Support your baby's growth and development.
  3. Increase your baby's confidence.

Increase your baby's physical activity

Placing baby on the floor is the best way for baby to move around and get some exercise. Babies love to play, move and wiggle around. Being on the floor, in a safe environment, allows babies to stretch, reach and kick which helps strengthen their muscles and increase their physical activity.

Tip: While on the floor with your baby, stretch your baby's arms and legs and move them around while singing songs about body parts such as "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes". Attend a free parenting group to learn more.

Support your baby's growth and development

In the first year your baby will grow and learn so many new things. Playing on the floor with your baby can help your baby to meet their developmental milestones. Tummy time is an excellent floor activity that helps baby to strengthen their head and neck muscles and prepares baby for crawling.

Tip: Try placing toys just out of babies reach and encourage them to reach and grasp the toy.

Increase your baby's confidence

Being down on the floor at the same level as your baby and having undistracted play time tells your baby that they are important, loved and worthy of your attention. This will help to build a strong relationship with your baby and will help promote your baby's confidence and self-esteem.

Tip: Make floor time a daily routine. Be face to face with your baby, observe and talk to your baby about what you are doing or what's around you. Laugh and sing or imitate your baby's sounds to encourage language development. This uninterrupted, focused time with your baby is precious and very important for many reasons.